Non-Verbal Messages

Remember that when we are delivering any message, our words are supplemented by our tone of voice and non-verbal body language. When our tone and body language are congruent with our message, we deliver powerful messages. When we are not congruent, people start to wonder what else is going on and what the hidden message is behind our words. We can easily lose track of the conversation.

  • Your eyes, eyebrows, and mouth send out the signals that can make a world of difference.
  • People who smile are happier than those who don’t. Smiling releases a chemical in your brain that makes you feel good. It’s a great way to establish a rapport with listeners.
  • Eye contact helps you carry your message to each person in the audience. It builds trust.
  • Learn to speak with your hands. Draw lines in the air, make a point, count on your fingers, and emphasize length and width.
  • Work on appearing sincere and comfortable.
  • Let your hands do what they want to do, as long as they don’t get in your pockets, fiddle with an object, or make obscene gestures to your audience.
  • Your body posture affects your emotions and how you feel determines your posture. If you are confident, happy, and ready, your body will show it.

One of the most important things you can do with body language is learning to pick up cues from people that you are making them uncomfortable. Ask yourself if you are doing what you can to make the other person comfortable. Do you fidget, chew gum, click a pen, or check your watch frequently? Are there other things that you do? If so, what message do you think you are sending?