Let’s look at some things that you can do to ensure facilitation success.
Before the Facilitation
- Check the meeting space and make sure it is appropriate for what’s needed
- Conducts a needs assessment: what are the stakeholders looking for?
- Interview or survey members of the group if appropriate
- Draft the agenda and send it to participants
- Select activities and processes that will be appropriate for the group
- Select back-up processes that you can use depending on how things unfold
To Start Facilitation
- Welcome participants
- Have members introduce themselves, especially if they don’t know one another
- Use an appropriate icebreaker to set the environment
- Explain your role
- Clarify the goal of the session
- Introduce the agenda and make changes based on feedback; group acceptance is important here
- Establish ground rules (norms)
- Explain the process
- Set time frames
- Appoint a time keeper and a minute taker
During Facilitation
- Ask, “How’s this going?”
- Check the pace: too fast, too slow?
- Check whether the techniques are working
- Obtain and offer feedback as needed
- Ensure that all members are able to participate fully
- Summarize periodically and at end of session
To End Facilitation
- Help members make a clear statement of what was decided
- Develop clear steps with dates and names
- Check the parking lot and any leftover items
- Help create next agenda
- Clarify follow-up process and accountabilities