One of the difficult aspects of learning about Lean is that many of its terms are unfamiliar or in Japanese. As a pre-assignment, you were asked to define a few of these words. Let’s see how you did.
Term | Definition |
Kaizen | Constant, gradual improvement to a process in order to create less waste but more value. |
Lead Time | How long a customer must wait for the product after they place an order. |
Muda | An activity that creates no value but consumes resources and is therefore considered waste. There are seven types of muda which will be covered later on in this course. |
Mura | Inconsistency and deviation. |
Muri | Irrationality. |
Pokayoke | A mistake-proofing device such as quality testing or checklists. |
Pull | A production philosophy where only what is ordered by customers is produced. Key element of Just-In-Time. |
Push | A production philosophy where products are created regardless of demand. |
Takt Time | The rate at which customers are demanding a product. This is the heartbeat of any Lean enterprise. |
Value | Desired characteristics provided to the customer at the right time, place, and cost. |
Value Stream | The process of designing, producing, and delivering a product. |
Session 3: The Toyota Production System