Robert Downey Jr. takes on the role of host in the captivating new YouTube Originals series titled “The Age of A.I.” This course consists of 8 videos combined with quizzes that reinforce the videos. Robert Downey dives deep into the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence, showcasing groundbreaking technologies that promise to revolutionize our future.
Viewers can expect to explore a range of innovations—from robotics to healthcare—that are at the forefront of AI research and development. As these technologies evolve, they hold the potential to transform various aspects of daily life and redefine what is possible in the modern world.
The series not only highlights technological advancements but also discusses the ethical implications and the future societal impact of AI, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in the future of technology.
We have taken this series and added the text, identifed the key words, and created activities to reinforce the videos.
Enjoy the course.