Agile Methodologies Kaizen Techniques

How to Use Kaizen to Skyrocket Your Business

Kaizen can be used to boost productivity, raise profits, improve staff morale, streamline processes and create many other benefits when used in business. It doesn’t matter if it’s a multinational corporation or just an individual at home trying to build an online business. Kaizen will help you.

The key to succeeding with Kaizen is awareness. You need to know exactly what you’re doing and where you want to go. Once you have that all written down and mapped out, you will need to think where you can make improvements to better your performance.

It doesn’t have to be life-changing improvements. Small ones work just fine and Kaizen is all about small changes over time. For example, if you’re an online entrepreneur, you may notice that a huge chunk of your time is eaten up by social media.

At times like these, you may wish to cut down on your social media time so that you can put the time to more productive use. It may seem difficult at first, if you’re in the habit of spending hours on Tinder, Facebook, etc.

So, cut down the time by manageable amounts till the habit is broken. Use the time saved to do activities that will improve your business. Focus on what increases your bottom line.

If you’re a small income business owner and you receive complaints often, you should analyze what is going wrong. Is there a problem with the service? Or is it the product?

If your business is not making enough money, is the pricing wrong? Do enough people know about your product or service? Do you need to advertise?

All these questions need to be asked… because the answers are what will need improvement. If you never ask any questions about improving, things will stay stagnant and probably end up deteriorating.

Kaizen requires you to stay alert and always have an open mind. If you have staff, always ask them for feedback and suggestions about what can be improved. How can you cut costs? Are there procedures that can be streamlined?

You’ll be amazed at the amount of redundant and repetitive work that takes place in companies. Workers are just going through the motions because they have no pride in their jobs. They feel like the company doesn’t care about their opinions or ideas.

Most Japanese companies have an open door policy where even the low level employees can make suggestions to the top management. This is very effective because only the people on the ground know what’s best for what they’re doing.

Kaizen is all about looking at what is not working ideally and improving it. Like the saying goes, ‘Make your good into better and your better into best.’

By giving your staff the chance to be heard, they will feel valued and more motivated. This will lead to higher productivity, lower costs and increased profits. Everyone will benefit.

You may be amazed to see that some of the staff’s suggestions may save you thousands of dollars in operating costs. Make Kaizen a part of your business. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by adopting Kaizen as a company philosophy.

Kaizen Techniques Your Life

Use Kaizen to Live an Abundant Life

Kaizen can also be used to make you financially independent and build your wealth. Most people who are spendthrifts have no idea where their money goes. No matter how much they earn, they are often cash strapped. There’s always too much month at the end of the money.

By using the Kaizen principle, you will need to track your expenses and look for ways to manage your finances better. Below you will find a few ways that Kaizen will help you manage your money better and build a sizable nest egg.

Kaizen Can Save Money

The habit of saving is one of the most important habits that one should have. Yet, the majority of people do not have this habit. They spend whatever they have and live from paycheck to paycheck.

Use Kaizen to decide just how much you will put aside every month. The amount you save should not be so much that you struggle with your daily expenses. It should be manageable.

Always save the moment your money comes in. Save first and spend later. By saving small amounts regularly and not spending off your savings, you will be motivated to build your savings.

Nature abhors a vacuum and the more money you have in your savings account, the more you’ll want to save. It’s not so much the amount you’re putting aside that matters. It’s the act of saving and that’s what Kaizen will help you do.

By small actions, you’ll build the habit and over time, you will have a sizeable sum.

Kaizen is Continuous Improvement

Cut Your Expenses

Saving your money is just half the equation. Spending is the other half. Use Kaizen to take note of where all your money goes. Write down all your expenses for 2 months and you’ll see a pattern emerge.

You’ll be amazed at how your money goes on frivolous expenses. Use Kaizen to see where you can cut down your expenses. Maybe you’re subscribing to magazines that you never bother reading anymore.

Or it could be the cable TV subscription that you hardly use because you do not watch TV so often these days. It could even be your smoking habit that is costing you quite a bit… and you should use Kaizen to quit smoking too. Your health and expenses will get better.

With the money rescued from being frittered away, you can either save it or invest it wisely

Kaizen Can Supplement Your Income

Another way to build your wealth will be to find ways and means to supplement your income. The more you earn, the more money you’ll have to save and invest. You’ll also be able to indulge in luxuries like travelling, vacations, nice houses, etc.

You can work on amassing a fortune by having multiple streams of income. Online Marketing or real estate investing are great side hustles. By finding something fun, you can find a sustainable income doing something you enjoy.

It will show you what you can do to improve your earning capacity.

Invest Wisely

Saving your money is good… but so is investing a portion of it to get better returns. The power of compound interest and dividends is amazing. By learning to invest slowly and cautiously, you will be a prudent investor.

Kaizen will guide you to taking the long term approach to building wealth. Invest what you can and be risk averse. Only dabble in what you know and understand. Take your time to learn how it all works and make improvements to your investment portfolio as and when needed.

It is all about continuous and gradual improvement. Save what you can, earn what you can and invest what you can. Over time, improve on these till you have enough money to live abundantly. It can be done and the Kaizen way will get you there.

Wrapping Up

Ok, Kaizen can’t all this stuff.  However, adopting Kaizen will provide you the tool to achieve your personal and professional goals by continuously improving everything in your life.  Give Kaizen a try.